Nowadays, it is necessary to be familiar with the Adobe Security Updates for Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce. Adobe Commerce APSB22-12 update addresses vulnerabilities in the platform. These vulnerabilities make it easier to gain control of your system.

What’s New In The Security Update Version?

This latest release contains seven security enhancements or fixes. This release also contains bug fixes for Vertex vendor-developed extensions, Klarna, Braintree and Vertex. This release fixes known PHP fatal errors when upgrading to Magento Open Source 2.4.3 or Adobe Commerce 2.4.3.

Major updates in the Adobe Commerce APSB22-12 update

  • To prevent unauthorized access, remove the session IDs from your database.
  • To avoid the deletion of the.htaccess file, admin access has been restricted to media gallery folders.
  • Reduce the limit on GraphQL query complexity in order to prevent Denial-of-Service.
  • To provide high security against intruders, you need to handle the most recent vulnerabilities from penetration tests.
  • Validation of custom variables to limit the use of harmful HTML attributes and tags.

Some Announcements You Need To Know

1. Recommendations for Product

Many Magento merchants use Vue.js or Adobe Experience Manager. They cannot integrate the Adobe Commerce product recommendation. It is focused on products that have been viewed recently and those with higher conversion rates. The new method allows store owners to increase sales by allowing them to use the new methodology. Adobe Commerce APSB22-12 has added support for B2B websites that offer customer-specific pricing and catalogues.

2. Progressive Web Apps

The loading pages have been removed with the release of PWA Studio 12. The shimmer effect provides a better user experience since it displays an animation while elements are loading. The new has a Cart Button that can be found on category pages. This allows for faster purchases and higher conversions.

3. Asynchronous Order Processing

Asynchronous order processing will have the developed feature available in December. This will enhance the Adobe commerce services’ checkout and cart functionality. This will further improve your order process and line up your items in the shopping cart.

4. Live Search

Live search catalogue onboarding times and reindexing times have shortened. This is to ensure that search results include the most recent product data. The partial-word search can be combined with the full-word search to increase the search relevancy. You can hire a Magento developer to keep the functionality flawless and provide a seamless user experience.

5. Payment Services

Adobe Commerce APSB22-12 includes payment services in North America for Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce. The Magento support package will provide merchants of all sizes access to powerful and secure payment solutions that can be managed via the admin panel.